One piece blog

In the winter of 2016, I was on winter break from school. I decided to give the long running anime a try. The length within itself was enough to deter anyone from watching. My friend convinced me to give it a try since I watched Naruto and he promised there wouldn’t be as much filler. That was enough to have me give it a go, so I tried it. I instantly fell in love with One Piece. I ended up binging 300+ episodes within the entire month of December to the middle of January. I saw a few character traits in Luffy that I saw from other characters. The development between the characters of the Straw Hat Pirates made the show worthwhile. Each character had an arc that brought you closer to each of them. You cried when they cried and laughed when they laughed. You could feel every emotion that they felt, and that is what makes One Piece so amazing. This simply made One Piece one of my favorite anime shows/manga. With this being said, I also find the pacing for One Piece to be extremely well-written. I find myself asking questions about arcs, theories and they are answered by the end of the arc. If it’s not answered, then Oda will find a way to incorporate it into the story eventually. From episode one Oda foreshadows this ability, and you won’t understand it until later on. Oda is truly a brilliant storyteller.

So, I just recently peeped the One-Piece episode number 1047. It’s titled ‘Ascend to the Dawn! A Pink Dragon Gets Agitated.’ The reason as to why I would say One piece isn’t as good is because of the pacing. Since it’s such a long running anime. The pacing can become daunting to watch. Dragged out episodes, manga panels cut in half. 10 second pauses with characters glaring at each other. Hence, is the reasoning for people to be drawn to the manga. It’s straight to the point and it’s better. The only reason I say that a person should watch One Piece is because of the arcs before the time-skip. Ever since the time skip, the pacing has been worse, and the story hasn’t been as interesting. The side characters aren’t as flushed out or as useful as they once were. Due to it being so many characters, I can understand how Oda can forget to develop them. But still, I find myself drawn to One Piece because of the main character and I want to see him win.


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