The Legend of Vox Machina

In terms of actions and gore it’s second to none against the hit show Invincible. It’s a raunchy, gory masterpiece. A criminally underrated cast of characters, who can instantly brighten your day. Each character is developed enough to the point where you have no choice but to love or hate them. They were once crooks each ostracized from their village for being different. Yet, this difference is what brought this band of characters together. In a way this show reminds me of the anime show called Black Clover. Similar premise to the characters who are also ostracized from society. This show just reminds me of Black Clover, Invincible and Game of Thrones all into one action-packed adventure. I never played the DND series (which I know the characters are based off). I truly love how games are becoming the norm for TV shows. It’s the one thing that seems organic and original.

Season two of the show just dropped on 01/19/2022, and it was unexpected because there wasn’t any promotional material for this content. I just happened to be scrolling through, trying to find something to watch and it appeared. So, if you need something to watch then add this to your list of shows!




How the last of us redefined storytelling in VIDEOGAMES(AND why it still hurts)