Adventure time
The characters we love & hate
Adventure Time one of the greatest cartoons to ever exist. A show that’ll make you have an existential crisis. Growing up when the show first aired on April 5th, 2010, it was originally meant to be on Nick. It got denied and Cartoon Network took control of the show. I personally, think that’s amazing that Cartoon Network took over. Cartoon Network has darker, and deeper shows that any other children’s network. With this being said, it came out in 2010 and it became one of the leading shows in that decade. I always thought the show was egregious and hard to watch because there didn’t seem to be a concept except Finn and Jake going on adventures. But who would’ve guessed that these adventures will teach you something about yourself. Teach you how to live, how to want more for yourself. How to speak up for yourself even when you don’t want to. How to demand more out of people. This show is great for teaching kids how to stand up for themselves. However, I truly don’t think this show is meant for kids, I believe it’s meant for adults. The way this show gripped me and had me enthralled with the characters raunchy behavior was a sight to behold. Each character had development, and either you hated them or loved them.
Princess Bubblegum aka Bonnibel Bubblegum. When it comes to characters that are difficult to like, she easily comes to mind. I think she’s an evil person. She tries to play it off with the name of science, but that’s just a way to cope. She tries to seem as if she cares about her candy people. On the episode “James” she created a character named James and he was there to help PB, Finn and Jake. With this being said, she told James to sacrifice himself so he can be a hero and save the others so they can escape from being mutated by zombies. Her motive was quite clear. She can always make another James. But she can’t replace Finn or Jake. Every single citizen except a few characters -are completely docile.
The Lich or The Last Scholar of Golb. He’s the embodiment of evil itself. He’s a green catalyst comet which is the embodiment of evil. He’s meant to cause chaos and destruction to the entire universe. That’s what his plans and goals are, but we never got to see him succeed in this universe. On the episode “Gold Stars” he was reducating the King of OOO about how the universe came to be. “Before there was time, there was nothing, and before there was nothing, there were Monsters.” My question is what happened to the monsters? Why did the universe split up like that? I just wish they would elaborate on this concept more. I would love a spin-off about the monsters. Just call it The Time There Were Monsters.
Marceline The Vampire Queen. She’s an interesting character who has a torturous past. Abandoned by her father, and mother (well not really), but that’s shaped her into who she is today. With this being said, her father is a demon lord. Hunson Abadeer is his name (he’s one of the primordial monsters that the Lich showed in the Gold Stars episode). So, he was probably too busy to look after her. She always felt as if her father never cared for her, most likely because he ate her fries. Her mother was passing away due to the nuclear radiation it was slowly killing her. The Mushroom war nearly wiped out all of humanity, and her mother was one of them. Once her mother passed away, she went to search for a building with humans, but they were all dead. Eventually, she ran into this man named Simon Petrikov aka Ice King. He saved her when he saw she was crying. Marceline was alone and he saved her from being alone and feeling abandoned. He was pretty much a father figure before her dad ever was. He always tried to keep her safe, but it always hurt her more in the end. Marceline has been abandoned by everyone she loves and cares for. She became the vampire queen by saving humans from being sucked up by vampires. She met a guy named Two Bread Tom and he created the place that Finn was born from.
Simon Petrikov also known as the Ice King. He was once a human and was obsessed with finding ancient artifacts. This lead him to finding the crown. It made him lose his mind and more importantly himself. He had a love interest named Betty. She wants to make him into who he once was before the crown. She left him because of the crowns power, and it took away his humanity. He put the crown on his head one time and started seeing visions of things even when it’s off. He records himself and it shows how his mind is deteriorating. As I mentioned earlier, Betty was his love interest. So, he captures Princesses and tries to get them to love him, but to no avail. He’s so busy trying to rekindle his love with Betty that he doesn’t even remember her. He tries to find Betty in every other princess. Anyway, he puts the crown on to save Marcy a few times and every time he places it on himself, he loses his mind. Simon once leaves Marcy, abandoning her. Simon leaves her with her actual father.
The Best five Episodes of Adventure time
1) The first episode that comes to mind and that makes me feel any type of sadness. This episode is called I Remember you. Even the title sends chills down my spine. This episode follows the Ice King, trying to learn how to write music so he can swoon the ladies. So, he travels to Marceline house. At this point in time, she’s annoyed but relieved because he always finds her no matter the distance. He clearly doesn’t remember her. But she ends up helping him anyway. The episode escalates and they are both sitting there talking. She begins to get teary eyed because he doesn’t remember who he is. So together they read the newspaper that he wrote on, as he was losing his mind. He tells her that he’s sorry for who he’s becoming. By the end of the episode, she’s crying her eyes out as she finally begins to accept Simon for who he is. The Ice King. It only took 1,000 years.